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Disaster Relief

Our Disaster Relief team provides free legal help to low-income disaster survivors. The team has extensive experience helping families in our service area and to those who have relocated to our service area in an evacuation during or following a major disaster.

We can help with the following:

  • New wills, powers of attorney, and other legal papers lost during the disaster
  • Home-repair contracts and contractors
  • Problems with landlords
  • Proof of home ownership
  • FEMA appeals

Many of the steps that can help you and your family be better prepared for a disaster are free or low-cost. All of these steps can be completed in a few hours–some even more quickly. Here are some of the most essential ways to prepare.

Gather and store important documents in one place


It is important to have immediate access to: identification, documents you need to apply for federal assistance, file claims with your insurance company, and get prescriptions filled. Store these documents in a waterproof/fireproof container and keep them off the floor to protect the files. Make sure everyone who needs access knows where the documents are located.

Build a disaster kit


Power outages, closed roads, and other circumstances could force you to hunker down in your home for days following a disaster. The kit should be stocked with the non-perishable food, water, and supplies to last you for at least three days.

Some disasters may force you to leave your home for an alternative shelter, and you may not have much advance notice. This kit should include vital items for yourself and your family that you can grab on short notice. Make sure other people in your home know where this kit is located. Always remember to take important documents wherever you go.

Make a plan


Preparation can decrease stress and help ensure you do not forget something.

  • Look up your local news or local emergency management agency website to learn about shelters and evacuation routes. Keep a written record of routes and shelters with your important documents. However, continue to listen to the local radio or news for updates; routes and shelters can change.
  • Look up specific details for each shelter if you need specific accommodations, including pets and functional needs. Not all shelters can accommodate individuals with disabilities and/or pets.
  • Be aware of upcoming deadlines for submitting insurance claims.
  • Complete a family emergency plan so everyone in your home will know who to call and where to meet if you are separated in an emergency.

Stay informed


Listen to your local news for updates. Also, download FEMA’s mobile app, which provides real-time weather alerts you can share via text, email, and social media. The FEMA’s mobile app also provides information on open shelters and Federal Emergency Management Agency Disaster Recovery Centers (DRC) in your area.

If you have survived a disaster and require legal assistance, you can apply for free legal assistance by calling our disaster hotline or applying online below.


PROJECT SUPPORT BY: Greater Houston Community Foundation LOGO1 posts community education and self-help legal materials on its website as a public service.