In 2010-2011, Danay Jones was battling alcoholism and depression, challenges that ultimately led to an event that changed the course of her life. Facing three felony charges, she found herself trapped in a legal system that often leaves individuals with few options for redemption. Fortunately, her defense attorney, Melissa Morris, was able to get two of her charges dismissed. However, despite these dismissals, the cases still appeared on background checks, limiting her opportunities for employment and stability.
“Recovery is about more than just getting sober, it’s about rebuilding a life you’re proud of. For years, no matter how much I had changed, my record kept me stuck. I was doing the work to rebuild my life, but every opportunity, every fresh start was out of my reach because of my past,” explained Danay.
Some clients do not have a full understanding of what they are agreeing to in criminal court. They sign things with the hope that their case is over, not realizing that until an expunction or nondisclosure is filed on their behalf their arrest records will still exist and be seen on background checks. Her attorney made sure that what she agreed to would one day be eligible for record-clearing. A lot of defense attorneys do not do that.
Years later, in 2020—at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic—Danay turned to Lone Star Legal Aid for help. She was ready to rebuild her life, but the barriers created by her past made it nearly impossible. That’s when LSLA Attorney Fallon Hamilton stepped in. Through the expunction and nondisclosure process, Fallon successfully ensured that Danay’s records were sealed and expunged. This legal victory was more than just the clearing of a criminal record—it was the catalyst for a complete transformation.
With her background no longer holding her back, Danay was able to secure employment and rebuild her future. But she didn’t stop there. She founded Sober Girl Houston, an organization dedicated to promoting sobriety and advocating for women seeking recovery. Through community outreach, mentorship, and advocacy, Sober Girl Houston provides support for women who are overcoming addiction, helping them reclaim their lives just as Danay did. Her impact has since expanded beyond Texas—she has launched another chapter in Tulsa, Oklahoma, continuing her mission of empowerment and second chances.
“When Fallon Hamilton helped clear my record, it was more than a legal victory, it was the chance to finally move forward, and knowing that Melissa Morris, the woman who fought for me all those years ago, is now a judge makes this moment even more powerful. Sober Girls Houston helps other women find their own paths to recovery. My story proves that when we remove barriers, we empower people to truly heal and give back to their communities,” expressed Danay. “Because of them, I can walk through doors that were once closed to me and help other women do the same.”
The attorney who fought for her in 2010-2011, Melissa Morris, has since become a felony district court judge. Her legal advocacy all those years ago laid the foundation for Danay to later qualify for record clearing, proving how crucial second chances are in the justice system.
“It is imperative that your lawyer understands how important it is to protect your future employability and licensing with almost as much zeal as they protect your freedom. Some of the most damaging legal interactions don’t result in jail time, but a conviction that affects future employability, access to healthcare and wealth,” stated Judge Morris. “Record clearing gives a person the opportunity to address the guilt of the act without the shame of the label clouding their opportunities.”
For many individuals, past mistakes can feel like a life sentence, even long after they have turned their lives around. A criminal record can prevent access to employment, housing, education, and other critical resources. Expunction and nondisclosure provide a fresh start, allowing people to move forward without the stigma of their past. Danay’s story is a testament to the life-altering impact of these legal tools—without them, her journey to becoming an advocate and mentor for other women might never have been possible.
“When I first met with Danay she was convinced that her past would forever haunt her, she was terrified,” shared Fallon. “Seeing the relief in her eyes when she finally held her signed orders in her hands was priceless. It’s that level of gratitude that make this type of work truly worthwhile.”
To learn more about Sober Girls Houston, visit
Lone Star Legal Aid (LSLA) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit law firm focused on advocacy for low-income populations by providing free legal education, advice, and representation. LSLA serves millions of people at 125% of federal poverty guidelines, who live in 72 counties in the eastern and Gulf Coast regions of Texas, and 4 counties in Southwest Arkansas. To learn more about Lone Star Legal Aid, visit our website at
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