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July 15, 2024 by Clarissa Ayala

Free Legal Assistance, Toll-free Hotline for Low-income Individuals Affected by Hurricane Beryl


July 15, 2024

Rebecca Johnson
Public Affairs Director, State Bar of Texas
(512) 427-1714;

Clarissa Ayala
Communications Director, Lone Star Legal Aid
(832) 627-8404;

Shelby Jean
Communications Director, Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
(817) 339-5384;

Samantha Rucobo
Public Relations Manager, Texas RioGrande Legal Aid
(915) 241-6923;

Free legal assistance, toll-free hotline available
For low-income individuals affected by Hurricane Beryl 

HOUSTON — Free legal resources are available to low-income individuals affected by Hurricane Beryl in 17 Texas counties included in the federal disaster declaration of July 13. They include Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Jackson, Jasper, Jefferson, Liberty, Matagorda, Montgomery, Nacogdoches, Orange, Polk, San Jacinto, Walker, and Wharton. 

The State Bar of Texas provides a toll-free legal hotline (800-504-7030) that connects low-income individuals affected by the disaster with local legal aid providers who can help with: 

  • Assistance securing government benefits as they are made available to disaster victims;
  • Assistance with life, medical, and property insurance claims;
  • Help with home repair contracts and contractors;
  • Replacement of wills and other important legal documents lost or destroyed in the disaster;
  • Consumer protection issues, such as price-gouging and avoiding contractor scams in the rebuilding process;
  • Mortgage-foreclosure problems; and
  • Landlord-tenant problems.

Additional disaster recovery resources are available at,, and

The State Bar of Texas reminds the public that in many cases it is a crime in Texas for a lawyer or someone representing a lawyer to contact a person for purposes of legal representation if the person has not first requested the call or personal visit. The contact is not illegal if the attorney is not seeking payment or has a preexisting professional-client or family relationship with the person being contacted.

If you witness something you believe to be improper solicitation, or barratry, please get the name and phone number of the person making contact and report it to your local law enforcement authority or the State Bar Chief Disciplinary Counsel’s Office via email at or toll free at 866-224-5999.