Even if you earn more than 125% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines, we may still help you if you qualify under one of our special projects. If you need free civil legal assistance, please fill out our online application or call 1-800-733-8394. While we cannot give free legal advice without agreeing to represent you as a client, we constantly share legal information online via live streamed presentations, blog posts, self-help tools, and resources.
TexasLawHelp.org is a leading resource for free, reliable legal information, including self-help guides and paperwork. It is managed by Texas Legal Services Center (TLSC), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that empowers underserved Texans through legal education, advocacy, advice, and representation. TexasLawHelp.org is a collaborative effort by Texas legal aid organizations and foundations, courts, and nonprofits. We, along with the other legal aid providers, contribute materials to TexasLawHelp.org to provide accurate information to people for free in matters where they can represent themselves.
Lone Star Legal Aid is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit law firm focused on advocacy for low-income and underserved populations. Lone Star Legal Aid serves millions of people at 125% of federal poverty guidelines that reside in 72 counties in the eastern and Gulf Coast regions of Texas, and 4 counties of Southwest Arkansas. Lone Star Legal Aid focuses its resources on maintaining, enhancing, and protecting income and economic stability; preserving housing; improving outcomes for children; establishing and sustaining family safety and stability, health and well‐being; and assisting populations with special vulnerabilities, like those with disabilities, or who are elderly, homeless, or have limited English language skills. To learn more about Lone Star Legal Aid, visit our website at www.lonestarlegal.org.
Media contact: media@lonestarlegal.org