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Case #25-1106780

  • Legal Area

    Bankruptcy Debtor Relief

  • County

    Fort Bend County

Bankruptcy - Southern District: Client is a resident of Fort Bend County, and she would like to file for Ch. 7 Bankruptcy in the Southern District of Texas. Client lost her job, and she now resides with her elderly father and disabled sister. Client is currently being paid by an agency to care for her disabled sister. Since A lost her job, the client, her her father, and sister, agreed to buy a car together. The title is in the client's name, and each of them pay 1/3 of the car payment. The car payment is $650/month, and they still owe about $26,000. The client uses the car to run errands for the family and transport her father and sister to doctors' appointments. Client has approximately $61,000 unsecured credit card debt. Client also has approximately $14,000 school loan debt and $266 medical debt. Client stopped paying for credit cards about eight months ago, and she stopped paying her school loan in March 2020. To date, client has not received notice of any collections lawsuits.

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