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January 21, 2020 by Clarissa Ayala

Figuring Out FEMA – Webinar, January 29, 2020

Houston, TX – Lone Star Legal Aid’s Shrushti Kothari, Disaster Relief Unit Staff Attorney, collaborated with Pro Bono Net in their creation of “Figuring Out FEMA,” a project they worked on with Center for Urban Pedagogy and designed by Carmen Lopez.

“Figuring Out FEMA” is a pocket-sized visual resource for disaster survivors. The project is part of Center for Urban Pedagogy’s Public Access Design program, a series of projects that use graphic design to make complex issues understandable to the people who are affected by them.

“Gathering documents, filling out applications, and also dealing with the many issues that are created by a disaster result in frustration, exhaustion, and a lack of time to research what FEMA is and how to obtain assistance. This guide allows survivors to understand the process with a quick glance,” said Kothari.

“Figuring Out FEMA” includes information on:

  • How to apply for FEMA’s Individual Assistance program;
  • Who can apply for FEMA help;
  • Understanding the application process and loans disaster survivors may be eligible for;
  • Preparing for FEMA inspections and avoiding contractor scams;
  • Appealing a FEMA determination letter; and
  • Where to find legal help.

To learn more about “Figuring Out FEMA,” join the webinar on Wednesday, January 29, 2020 from 12:00 PM CST – 12:45 PM. How To Register:

Speakers will talk about 1) legal empowerment as a tool for action and 2) equity-based design principles and strategies used to develop Figuring Out FEMA. This webinar will be recorded and shared via All registrants will also receive a link to the recording after the webinar.

Pro Bono Net also partnered with Carla Krystyniak from the Equal Justice Works Disaster Recovery Legal Corps, Brittanny Perrigue at Texas RíoGrande Legal Aid, Krista Scully from the Alaska Bar Association, Julie Rattray from Neighborhood Legal Services of Los Angeles, and staff and community members from Red Hook Initiative and Long Island Cares.

LSLA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit law firm focused on advocacy on behalf of low-income and underserved populations. LSLA serves millions of people at 125% of federal poverty guidelines that reside in 72 counties in the eastern and Gulf Coast regions of Texas, and 4 counties of southwest Arkansas. LSLA focuses its resources on maintaining, enhancing, and protecting income and economic stability; preserving housing; improving outcomes for children; establishing and sustaining family safety and stability, health and well-being; and assisting populations with special vulnerabilities, like those who have disabilities, or who are elderly, homeless, or have limited English language skills. To learn more about LSLA, visit our website at

Media contact: Clarissa Ayala,

Communications Director at Lone Star Legal Aid | + posts